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  • Writer's picturejessicagustafson

Welcome Baby #10

Updated: Jan 1

My 10th child is here, and we couldn't be more thrilled! I took a writing break for a month while I prepared for my newest baby. I meant to take two months off, but I can hardly keep myself from writing. During my maternity leave, I was finally able to complete my first novel as well as write my query letter. You would think I would have a harder time writing the more children I have, but that hasn't been the case for me. During the times I need complete focus, I do have to write during nap time or even in middle of the night, but I'm often able to work with my children present. My babies love to hang out by my side or on my lap while I write, and my oldest children love to be involved in the process and learn from me while I work. We even study writing together, and several of my children have started writing stories of their own.

I'm so proud of my children, and I am glad to be an influence for their own future writing careers if they choose that. Of course, what children choose as a career seems to change every year. If I had every career I ever wanted as a child, I'd be a princess, a fashion designer, movie director, photographer, and writer all at once.

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